For those who believe there isn’t wide spread fascism and agitation of anti Muslim attack in America, you better wake up! CNN, just like FOX News, is ramping up attacks against Muslims under the disguise of freedom of speech. Believe me, freedom of speech is not freedom of propaganda to hate, isolate and throw people into confusion. What comes after that is already seen: torture, illegal imprisonment, invasion, abuse and loss of freedom. This type of propaganda will be instrumental for Muslim haters to justify any attack against them already underway since Osama’s group attack the new York buildings and the Pentagon which kills almost three thousands people. Compare that to Iraq? What about three thousand people a month? What about 650,000 people? How did that happen? Ask American networks: CNN, FOX, ABC NEWS… people are only following what they are told, they elect what they are told, believe what they are told! Muslims are enemies of America, killing them would be justified, invading...