Tomgram: Why Cheney Won't Take Down Iran : "It's been on the minds of antiwar activists and war critics since 2003. And little wonder. If you don't remember the pre-invasion of Iraq neocon quip, 'Everyone wants to go to Baghdad. Real men want to go to Tehran...' -- then take notice. Even before American troops entered Iraq, knocking off Iran was already 'Regime Change: The Sequel.' It was always on the Bush agenda and, for a faction of the administration led by Vice President Cheney, it evidently still is. Add to that a series of provocative statements by President Bush, the Vice President, and other top U.S. officials and former officials. Take Cheney's daughter Elizabeth, who recently sent this verbal message to the Iranians: '[D]espite what you may be hearing from Congress, despite what you may be hearing from others in the administration who might be saying force isn't on the table... we're serious.' Asked about an Israeli strike...
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