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Showing posts from June 4, 2007

wvns : Message: Boston Muslims Forgive Israel Advocates

wvns : Message: Boston Muslims Forgive Israel Advocates : "Many celebrated the construction of New England's largest mosque as proof of 'the Muslim community coming into its own.' Yet not everyone celebrated. In 2004, the City of Boston was sued for selling the land to Muslims. Racist commentators whipped up public hysteria against the mosque."

ei: For a Secular Democratic State

ei: For a Secular Democratic State : "There are, in short, two separate legal and administrative systems, maintained by the regular use of military force, for two populations -- settlers and natives -- unequally inhabiting the same piece of land: exactly as was the case in the colonial countries described by Fanon, or in South Africa under apartheid. All this has enabled Israel to transplant almost half a million of its own citizens into the occupied territories, at the expense of their Palestinian population, whose land is confiscated, whose homes are demolished, whose orchards and olive groves are razed or burned down, and whose social, economic, educational and family lives have been, in effect, all but suspended, precisely in order that their land may be made available for the use of another people."

An Interrogation Role Model U.S. picked up tactics — including torture — from Israeli intelligence :: from :: news from occupied Iraq - it

An Interrogation Role Model U.S. picked up tactics — including torture — from Israeli intelligence :: from :: news from occupied Iraq - it : "Jabour found himself in the back seat of a car driven by Jordanian intelligence agents. At the other side of the King Hussein bridge, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, they handed him over to Israeli intelligence agents. In his affidavit, Jabour said that one of the Israelis mocked him in greeting: 'Welcome, Osama bin Laden. Where are you coming from?' Jabour's case is the first documented instance of a terror suspect who was not linked to Hezbollah or Palestinian terror groups making his way from American hands to Israeli custody. That such a thing could happen should probably come as no surprise, given the traditionally close cooperation between the United States and Israel on security matters. The controversial techniques Jabour says his American captors used were not concocted out of thin air; many were perf...

Apartheid Israel's 40th Anniversary :: from :: news from occupied Iraq - it

Apartheid Israel's 40th Anniversary :: from :: news from occupied Iraq - it : "JUNE 5th marks the 40th anniversary of the illegal and planned Israeli invasion of Egypt, Jordan and Syria in 1967 and the commencement of the 40 year abusive, illegal and war criminal occupation of what has become a Palestinian Prison, an Apartheid Israel-run Open Concentration Camp for Palestinians. "

Video State of Despair (Iraqi refugees) :: from :: news from occupied Iraq - it

Video State of Despair (Iraqi refugees) :: from :: news from occupied Iraq - it : "June 3, 2007 You won't see this on American TV. It's heartbreaking, but these are just the stories of three families, out of millions. State of Despair (Iraqi Refugees) - Dateline 09/05/07 - SBS Australia In Iraq's next-door neighbour, Jordan, with a population of just 5.5 million, they are currently trying to deal with close to 700,000 Iraqis who have fled the daily violence that is tearing their nation apart. In Jordan, Dateline's Olivia Rousset found that this largely unreported human tide - the greatest Middle Eastern refugee crisis in 60 years - is really straining the generosity and resources of the Jordanian people. A warning - you may find some of the images in this piece disturbing. "

Kucinich 2008

Kucinich 2008 : "You knew that invading Iraq would damage our country's reputation and ruin our economy. You pleaded for our government to stop the war, to stop the funding, and to put a stop to the illegal quest for oil. It's been 5 years since your warnings were left unanswered. Our country is bleeding money and bleeding lives, yet our legislators continue to approve plans that string out our occupation and continue to line the pockets of war profiteers. " : - Japanese Americans converge on internment site for anniversary : - Japanese Americans converge on internment site for anniversary : "Minamoto was 10 when she was crammed into a horse stall at Tanforan with her mother, sisters and brother. They slept on hay, and what she remembers most is the smell of manure, she said. From Tanforan, the family was sent to a remote desert camp in Topaz, Utah, where they were detained even though two other brothers were fighting in the war on the U.S. side. Being held in what some participants called U.S. 'concentration camps' has pushed many internees to become outspoken on issues of civil liberties. 'We don't want it to happen again to any other nationality,' said Hatsuro Aizawa, 82, of San Francisco, a Tanforan internee, who worries over the treatment of Arab-Americans since September 11. "

WP: Census: 100,000 contractors in Iraq - Highlights -

WP: Census: 100,000 contractors in Iraq - Highlights - : "There are about 100,000 government contractors operating in Iraq, not counting subcontractors, a total that is approaching the size of the U.S. military force there, according to the military's first census of the growing population of civilians operating in the battlefield." News - Mercenary firms fear bloodbath in Iraq News - Mercenary firms fear bloodbath in Iraq : "MERCENARY chiefs are urgently reviewing rules dictating when they can use force in Iraq, amid growing fears that another confrontation between private security operators and police could explode into a bloodbath. Days after four British bodyguards and their client were snatched by bogus police from the streets of Baghdad, the bosses of private security firms have admitted there is now a 'serious risk' of shoot-outs between 'mercenary' officials and Iraqi security forces. "

The Peninsula On-line: Qatar's leading English Daily

The Peninsula On-line: Qatar's leading English Daily : "san antonio, Texas • The man who led coalition forces in Iraq during the first year of the occupation says the United States can forget about winning the war. “I think if we do the right things politically and economically with the right Iraqi leadership we could still salvage at least a stalemate, if you will — not a stalemate but at least stave off defeat,” retired Army Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez said in an interview. Sanchez, in his first interview since he retired last year, is the highest-ranking former military leader yet to suggest the Bush administration fell short in Iraq. “I am absolutely convinced that America has a crisis in leadership at this time,” Sanchez said after a recent speech in San Antonio, Texas."