Celebrating the Rule of Force, Not Freedom : "One often can write news stories by the calendar, and today is not an exception. This is Memorial Day, and we are going to hear the rhetoric about honoring those who 'died fighting for our freedom.' Indeed, Americans might be honoring the dead from U.S. wars, but in no case did any of those dead whom we memorialize today die for 'our freedom.' They died, instead, because our political classes pointedly understand that promoting war is good for them. I realize this is a statement that will bring anger. Those people who have lost loved ones in one of many U.S. conflicts will be angry because my statement insinuates that these mostly-young people died for a Big Lie. Others who have not been directly touched by one of our many wars simply want to believe that the United States of America is a shining beacon of freedom, and we need to protect that freedom from those who would take it away."