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Showing posts from April 4, 2010

Secrets of the Tea Party -- In These Times

Secrets of the Tea Party -- In These Times : "As the Tea Party movement has gained momentum during the last 12 months, it seems few Tea Partiers have caught on to the troubling past of the man at the center of their movement: FreedomWorks chairman, former House Majority Leader and recently-retired lobbyist extraordinaire, Dick Armey. As chairman of FreedomWorks, the group credited with mobilizing the Tea Party movement, Armey is the movement’s de facto leader. Yet Armey’s years spent lobbying for a group recognized by the State Department as being a terrorist organization—should give Tea Partiers pause."

Globalization Marches On -- In These Times

Globalization Marches On -- In These Times : "In one dimension—military power—the United States stands alone. And Obama is setting new records with his 2011 military budget. Almost half the U.S. deficit is due to military spending, which is untouchable in the political system. When considering the U.S. economy’s other sectors, Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz and other economists warn that we should beware of “deficit fetishism.” A deficit is a stimulus to recovery, and it can be overcome with a growing economy, as after World War II, when the deficit was far worse. And the deficit is expected to grow, largely because of the hopelessly inefficient privatized health care system—also virtually untouchable, thanks to business’s ability to overpower the public will."