"Let's Make a Deal" Confirmation of previous blogs :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it : " An interesting article appeared regarding Putin, Cheney, Iraq and its oil. I'll link to it, first, then, a few qualifications about it. I would agree with this, except, there are a couple of problems with this analysis. First of all, the recent vote to expand UN presence in Iraq was unanimous. That means both Russia and China agreed to it. So, what are they getting in return? I fully expect Lukoil to get a deal in Iraq. Lukoil is partnered with Conoco-Phillips. It is not a state run oil company. It is a private one. Here's a different article which puts the Lukoil-Iraq situation in greater context, One more link, in addition, regarding Lukoil and Iraq, On my previous blogs, as I've repeated many times, China was also offered an oil deal in Iraq. On the previous website is much more information, including the US sending more troops to southern ...