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Showing posts from May 15, 2012

Reports: Hunger Strike Ends for Most Palestinians -- News from

Reports: Hunger Strike Ends for Most Palestinians -- News from Reports from Israeli, Palestinian and Egyptian officials familiar with the deal say that the vast majority of Palestinian hunger strikers have signed off on an agreement to end the strike, after promising to end solitary confinement and allow family visits for detainees.

State Dept. Poised to Remove Iranian Terror Group From Terror List -- News from

State Dept. Poised to Remove Iranian Terror Group From Terror List -- News from One of the founding members of the State Department’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations, the Iran-based cult the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MeK) is almost certain to be delisted in the next 60 days, in a move that is likely to dramatically increase tensions between the US and Iran.

Five Facts That Put America to Shame: Information Clearing House

Five Facts That Put America to Shame: Information Clearing House Five Facts That Put America to Shame By Paul Buchheit May 14, 2012 "Information Clearing House" -- "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" These words, from poet Emma Lazarus, were inscribed on the Statue of Liberty over 100 years ago. Today the golden door has a lock on it, paid for with record profits from the health care, education, and financial industries.

Long Live 'Our' Gulf Bastards        : Information Clearing House

Long Live 'Our' Gulf Bastards        : Information Clearing House Long Live 'Our' Gulf Bastards By Pepe Escobar May 14, 2012 "Information Clearing House" --  Life is a golden gift from Allah if you're a certified member of the Gulf Counter-Revolution Club (GCC), also known as the Gulf Cooperation Council; Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates can torture, kill, repress and demonize their own subjects - in full confidence the "master" will let you get away with it. Just as the Sunni al-Khalifa dynasty in power in Bahrain is vowing, publicly, to keep arresting, tear-gassing, raiding their homes, confiscating their jobs and forcing pro-democracy protesters to live in non-stop fear, Bahraini Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad al-Khalifa is being hosted in Washington by the Barack Obama administration. Prince Salman - who Bahraini propaganda sells as a "moderate" - showed up at the US State Department s...