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Showing posts from January 21, 2007

Ten Super-Wealthy Anti-Estate Tax Families Listed on Forbes 400

FOR IMMEDATE RELEASE September 27, 2006 Contact: Bob Keener (617) 423-2148 x120 Forbes magazine’s 2006 list of the 400 wealthiest people in America includes individuals from ten of the 18 wealthy families exposed as stealthily funding efforts to repeal the estate tax, the nation’s only tax on multi-million dollar inheritances. The April 2006 report, “Spending Millions to Save Billions; The Campaign of the Super Wealthy to Kill the Estate Tax,” by Public Citizen and United for a Fair Economy (UFE) showed that, if successful, the effort would save these super wealthy families about $71.6 billion dollars, and cost the federal government $1 trillion over ten years. The ten anti-estate-tax billionaire families on the Forbes 400 list include the Cox family, the DeVos family, the Dorrance family, the Gallo family, the Harbert family, the Johnson family, the Koch family, the Mars family, the Sobrato family, and the most wealthy of all, the Walton family. Of the 24 ...
THE ROVING EYE Ahmadinejad be damned By Pepe Escobar It's all over the Iranian press: President Mahmud Ahmadinejad, self-described "street cleaner of the people", is in deep political trouble at home , subjected to crossfire from conservatives and reformers alike. All the more ironic considering the biblical tsunami of Washington spin portraying Ahmadinejad as the newest "new Hitler" (Saddam Hussein, after all, fell victim to a lynch mob).

An Ethiopian maid died in Lebanon

An Ethiopian maid was found dead in Ba`aqlin in Lebanon (a Jumblat stronghold) at the house of her employer. She hanged herself, said the police report . As usual, Lebanese police will not investigate deaths of foreign domestic workers in Lebanon. On the same crime page, the racist anti-Syrian Hariri rag, reports a rape of a Sri Lankan maid by "two Syrians." The same rag never notices the regular mistreatment and abuse of Sri Lankan maids by Lebanese.
Syria helped Americans’ rape of Iraq through promises such as closing borders arresting resistance forces and torturing Muslims transferred by America all to please their masters. Now they are openly supporting the occupation. They are calling the resistance terrorism; yet, American rapists are not pleased with them. The Syrian dictator is not only oppressing his people, but also helping the rape of Iraq to stay in power one more day. In the mean time America is looking forward to that day where Bashar could be dropped from the gallows just like they have done to Saddam.