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Showing posts from August 17, 2008 - New York Times Attempts to Define and Dictate Black Politics - New York Times Attempts to Define and Dictate Black Politics The Sunday magazine of the nation's most influential newspaper predicts that Black politics as we know it is headed for extinction, that Barack Obama's "brand of ‘race-neutrality' shows Black politics is obsolete, and should be abandoned." Of course, that's wishful thinking from a hostile quarter, based on assumptions that all Black politics is electoral, Blacks are becoming more conservative, and a generational crisis deeply divides Black America - none of which is true. However, Blacks have been set up for a fall. "To the extent that African Americans expect more from Barack Obama than they got from Bill Clinton, they will be devastatingly disappointed."

GeorgiaRussiaUsNatoOssetiaMoralGrounds.gif (GIF Image, 3472x1520 pixels) - Scaled (29%)

GeorgiaRussiaUsNatoOssetiaMoralGrounds.gif (GIF Image, 3472x1520 pixels) - Scaled (29%)

BBC NEWS | World | Africa | Somali minibus attack toll rises

BBC NEWS | World | Africa | Somali minibus attack toll rises : "More bodies have been discovered in Somalia, near the scene of an attack on two minibuses outside Mogadishu. Local people returning to their farms after the attack said they had found a further 16 bodies, bringing to nearly 60 the number of civilians killed. The Ethiopian forces started shooting after their military convoy was hit by a roadside bomb, witnesses said. The transitional government backed by Ethiopian troops threw out Islamists in 2006, but unrest is continuing. Islamist insurgents have been carrying out frequent raids in the Mogadishu area. After the latest attack on minibuses, witness Sahra Nor Osma told the Associated Press news agency: 'Ethiopian convoys opened fire into different areas where thousands of displaced people were living; they killed everyone on the road.'"

Squashed by Tank - The Washington Note

Squashed by Tank - The Washington Note This video of a seemingly innocent taxi getting demolished by a tank in Iraq has awakened in me all of the reasons we must withdraw from that country. American soldiers are too distant from the fate of Iraqis and on a systems basis can't ever act in their interests. Acting in their own interests -- and America's in a perverse way -- means lots of taxis will be squashed and many innocent Iraqis killed. And this leads to blowback, just as it would if it happened in the U.S.

Mr. Bush, Enough!! - Pravda.Ru

Mr. Bush, Enough!! - Pravda.Ru : "So you have the colossal audacity, Mr. Bush, to “warn” Russia to pull back? As the wanton, perverse war criminal under whose watch the world saw the crime known as “shock and awe” committed, I’d say you were well out of your mind to suggest that Russia should pull back. What’s a little shock and awe among inferior people we want to rob and destroy, eh? What do human beings need an infrastructure for? Why do they need clean water? Why do they need electricity? What’s a little torture? What’s a little regime change? Don’t recall when that was a goal of yours? What’s a little deviant, perverted sexual experimentation and humiliation? What’s a few secret detention camps? What’s wrong with destroying an environment for 4 billion years and generations after generations of people? After all, they’re just rag heads, aren’t they Mr. Bush? "