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Showing posts from May 11, 2007 Ethiopia: Low Productivity, Income Poverty Describe ETH Economy (Page 1 of 1) Ethiopia: Low Productivity, Income Poverty Describe ETH Economy (Page 1 of 1) : "Despite some recent measurable gains in he Ethiopians' well-being, low productivity in the agricultural sector, and income poverty which remains widespread in the country, characterize the Ethiopia economy, the World Band said in a report on Monday."

Mandela Was Once a Terrorist

Mandela Was Once a Terrorist Leaders of Israel, responsible for the occupation of lands, destruction of people's lives and violations of the Geneva Conventions, are welcomed and even celebrated as international dignitaries. Neither Israeli-perpetrated violence nor its dispossession of indigenous people from their own land is cause for questioning Israel’s leadership. But for South Africa to receive a leading member of Hamas, a violent resistance movement, is a cause for shock if not condemnation.