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Showing posts from August 7, 2007

Harry Belafonte VS. a zionist WOLF ON CNN

American terrorism killed almost a million Iraqis and destroyed Iraq as a whole; Wolf the CNN “News” anchor thinks Harry Belafonte is wrong to compare alqaida’s attack against New York and the Pentagon with American aggression against defenseless nation of Iraq. To Wolf the Zionist, the life of Arabs is nothing but worthless therefore considered collateral! Wolf Blitzer and thousands of “journalists” in America promoted and filmed the rape of Iraq, they have no moral ground whatsoever to even question Harry Belafonte, a man of tremendous courage who didn’t worship a Whiteman. If I was Harry, I would suggest to Wolf that, America’s terrorism threaten the world as we know it with a stockpile of weapons of mass destruction that could destroy the world many times over. I think this video is a year old, but not old and irrelevant

The Drug War’s Collateral Damage -- In These Times

The Drug War’s Collateral Damage -- In These Times : "Those victimized by a crackdown on marijuana since the early ’90s can be denied everything from food stamps to voting rights to the right to adopt a childThose victimized by a crackdown on marijuana since the early ’90s can be denied everything from food stamps to voting rights to the right to adopt a child"

The Bush Administration’s New Target: Uninsured Kids -- In These Times

The Bush Administration’s New Target: Uninsured Kids -- In These Times The first battle in the war over universal health care has begun, with the Bush administration and its right-wing allies targeting bipartisan legislation to expand and reauthorize the under-funded State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). They’re doing so with a slick campaign comprised of lies, distortions and sloganeering that derides the proposed bills as paving the way for socialized medicine. This blitzkrieg against uninsured kids should serve as a wake-up call for Democrats seeking major health care reforms. If President Bush and his spokesmen can tell the American public that, say, we invaded Iraq to stop a potential nuclear attack by Saddam, what’s to prevent them from fabricating falsehoods about a well-regarded program that currently provides coverage each month to 4 million low-income children—or bills that aim to reach about half of the nine million still-uninsured kids?

This American Life

This American Life : "Stories about people taking history into their own hands. We hear from two men in two different wars. One is trying to make a difference in the current war in Iraq. The other is with the CIA at the very end of the Cold War. Prologue. Dal LaMagna, millionaire and creator of the Tweezerman tweezer, prepares to go to Iraq on a diplomatic mission he invented for himself—despite concern (and mocking) from his own sister. (4 minutes) "

Britain Asks U.S. to Release 5 Detainees From Guantánamo - New York Times

Britain Asks U.S. to Release 5 Detainees From Guantánamo - New York Times Mr. Mohamed, a gangly Ethiopian who had lived in Washington for two years as a teenager, before his family moved to Britain, was seized in Pakistan in April 2002 and turned over to the Americans. His was one of the early cases of rendition, the Bush administration policy of secretly taking suspected terrorists to third countries for interrogation. Mr. Mohamed was taken to Morocco, where he was held and interrogated for 18 months, according to Mr. Stafford Smith. According to the accounts he gave to his lawyer, Mr. Stafford Smith, and which have been published elsewhere, he was brutally abused there. On several occasions, men used a scalpel to make cuts on his penis, Mr. Mohamed has alleged. American officials initially said that he was an accomplice with Jose Padilla in a plot to detonate a dirty bomb in the United States. That charge was eventually dropped against Mr. Padilla, who is on trial in Miami on other t...

APR- Occupation Forces Kill’s a Prisoner in Mousul :: from :: news from occupied Iraq - it

APR- Occupation Forces Kill’s a Prisoner in Mousul :: from :: news from occupied Iraq - it : "Tuesday, 07 August 2007 Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq (AMSI) has released a press statement denouncing U.S. ocuupation forces of murdering a prisoner who was under arrest in Badoosh concentration camp and also wounded 2 others, the AMSI holds the Coalition Forces and the current government the responsible for the security of those who are under arrest."

AlterNet: AlterNet Readers' 10 Best Comments of the Week

AlterNet: AlterNet Readers' 10 Best Comments of the Week : "This first collection was chosen by AlterNet's editors, but in the future, it'll be up to you to nominate the most insightful comments by your fellow readers every week. You can either send an e-mail to your friendly neighborhood AlterNet Community Moderator (, or you can use the 'report this comment' button featured on each reader's contributions. Yes, until now that's been for reporting bad behavior, but now you can use it to highlight your fellow readers' best contributions."

AlterNet: Rights and Liberties: Bush Isn't Spying on al Qaeda ... He's Spying on You

AlterNet: Rights and Liberties: Bush Isn't Spying on al Qaeda ... He's Spying on You : "The dispute over whether Attorney General Alberto Gonzales committed perjury when he parsed words about George W. Bush's warrantless surveillance program misses a larger point: the extraordinary secrecy surrounding these spying operations is not aimed at al-Qaeda, but at the American people."

ei: Israel's Jewish problem in Tehran

ei: Israel's Jewish problem in Tehran : "Iran is the new Nazi Germany and its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the new Hitler. Or so Israeli officials have been declaring for months as they and their American allies try to persuade the doubters in Washington that an attack on Tehran is essential. And if the latest media reports are to be trusted, it looks like they may again be winning the battle for hearts and minds: US Vice President Dick Cheney is said to be diverting the White House back on track to launch a military strike."

Voices of the New Arab Public

Voices of the New Arab Public : "Can an Arab public sphere meaningfully be said to exist? If so, how is this sphere relevant in the absence of institutional mechanisms to meaningfully translate its preferences into outcomes? Marc Lynch argues in Voices of the New Arab Public that not only does an Arab public sphere exist, it is changing Arab political culture. Lynch further argues that this public sphere has introduced a new level of official accountability into a region marked by an absence of the democratic institutions that transform public preferences into policy outcomes and render public officials answerable to the public that elected them."

Of Lies, Promised Joy, "Shimagles," Pardons and Bananas - Ethiopian Review

Of Lies, Promised Joy, "Shimagles," Pardons and Bananas - Ethiopian Review Of Lies, Promised Joy, "Shimagles," Pardons and Bananas Aug 6th, 2007 By Alemayehu G. Mariam “If they will stop telling lies about us, I will stop telling the truth about them.” Note to the reader: The following analysis may appear be a bit long for the casual reader of internet literature. I am told that “people do not read long political analysis” (and perhaps even short ones as Prof. Ephraim Isaac has proven to us). But I have been overwhelmed, as many have been, by a systematic and clever disinformation campaign calculated to mislead and deceive us about recent events in Ethiopia. We must fight back lies with Truth, and I hope the reader will take the time to read and consider my defense of the Truth against an avalanche of lies and deception that have been unleashed against us recently.

Asia Times Online :: Asian News, Business and Economy - PART 1: Readiness for endless war

Asia Times Online :: Asian News, Business and Economy - PART 1: Readiness for endless war : "Not so many years ago, many hoped Europe might step up as a counterweight to US imperial policies. Such hopes were focused in particular on Germany - not only as the leading European power, but as a known moderating, non-military force in international politics. "

Poems from Guantánamo - The Boston Globe

Poems from Guantánamo - The Boston Globe : "HUMILIATED IN THE SHACKLES When I heard pigeons cooing in the trees, Hot tears covered my face. When the lark chirped, my thoughts composed A message for my son. Mohammad, I am afflicted. In my despair, I have no one but Allah for comfort. The oppressors are playing with me, As they move freely about the world. They ask me to spy on my countrymen, Claiming it would be a good deed. They offer me money and land, And freedom to go where I please. Their temptations seize my attention Like lightning in the sky."

Poll: Iraqis Oppose Oil Privatization at Oil Change

Poll: Iraqis Oppose Oil Privatization at Oil Change : "Iraqis oppose plans to open the country’s oilfields to foreign investment by a factor of two to one, according to a poll released today. Iraqis are united in this view: there are no ethnic, sectarian or geographical groups that prefer foreign companies. The poll also finds that most Iraqis feel kept in the dark about the oil plans – with fewer than a quarter feeling adequately informed about a proposed new law to govern Iraq’s oil sector. This poll is the first time ordinary Iraqis have been asked their views on the contents of the oil law, which has been debated by Iraqi political parties for over a year. The US government is pressing Baghdad to pass the oil law by September, as one of its “benchmarks”. [1] At the centre of the oil law is a proposal to give multinational oil companies such as Conoco, Chevron and Exxon the primary role in developing Iraq’s oilfields, under contracts of up to 30 years. Yet 63% of poll responden...

Chernus: The real debate about Iraq is between real, fake war foes : Guest Opinions : Boulder Daily Camera

Chernus: The real debate about Iraq is between real, fake war foes : Guest Opinions : Boulder Daily Camera : "The real debate about Iraq is just beginning to take shape. It's not about whether U.S. troops should begin to leave Iraq. A vast majority of Americans now agree on that point. Even at the White House, insiders say, they've accepted it as inevitable. The real debate is between genuine opponents of the war, who really want to end our involvement in Iraq, and fake opponents who use antiwar language to mask their endorsement of a continuing, perhaps permanent, U.S. presence in that war-torn land."
by Chris Hedges (Author) "When our own nation is at war with any other, we detest them under the character of cruel, perfidious, unjust and violent.... War Is a Force that Gives Us Meaning (Paperback)

Truthdig - Reports - Beyond Disaster

Truthdig - Reports - Beyond Disaster : "The war in Iraq is about to get worse—much worse. The Democrats’ decision to let the war run its course, while they frantically wash their hands of responsibility, means that it will sputter and stagger forward until the mission collapses. This will be sudden. The security of the Green Zone, our imperial city, will be increasingly breached. Command and control will disintegrate. And we will back out of Iraq humiliated and defeated. But this will not be the end of the conflict. It will, in fact, signal a phase of the war far deadlier and more dangerous to American interests. "

She Stands at Every Door - by Kathy Kelly

She Stands at Every Door - by Kathy Kelly : "Words to the song 'Little Girl of Hiroshima' are on my mind today, thinking of the Iraqi children who have not survived: 'I come and stand at every door But none shall hear my silent tread I knock and yet remain unseen For I am dead, for I am dead.' The song goes on to tell of a child who needs no bread, nor even wheat, milk, or water, for she is dead. She only asks for peace, 'So that the children of the world can run and dance and laugh and play.'"

White Elephants - by Uri Avnery

White Elephants - by Uri Avnery Allah, in his infinite wisdom, has seen to it that almost all the huge Middle East oil reserves are located in Shi'ite areas: in Iran, in the south of Iraq, and the Shi'ite areas of Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf principalities. If these reserves slip away from U.S. control, it will cause a drastic change in the balance of power, not only in the region but in the entire world. Therefore, the strengthening of Saudi Arabia – ruled by conservative Sunnis – makes a lot of sense from the American point of view. However, the arms deal is quite irrelevant to this. The Saudis do not need weapons. They have an instrument that is much more effective than any number of airplanes and tanks: an inexhaustible supply of dollars. They use it to finance friends, buy influence, and bribe leaders. On the other side, Saudi Arabia is unable to maintain the weapons that are flowing to it. It does not have enough pilots for the airplanes it is buying, nor crews for ...

Informed Comment Global Affairs: Poor Helmand Security Situation Explained: Interview

Informed Comment Global Affairs: Poor Helmand Security Situation Explained: Interview The USG Open Source Center translates an interview with a female member of parliament for Afghanistan's troubled Helmand Province, Nasima Niazi in which she explains the security problems there from a local point of view. Helmand is a major center of the Taliban resurgence and produces much of Afghanistan's poppy crop, which is turned by dealers into heroin.