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Showing posts from July 22, 2014

Israel's Gaza massacre boosts boycott calls in South Africa

Israel's Gaza massacre boosts boycott calls in South Africa This evening I gave an interview to Al Jazeera English (video above). I would like to develop some of the points I made. If military victory and strength are measured in the number of civilians, especially children , that an army can deliberately target and slaughter with sophisticated machines, then there is no doubt that Israel is winning in Gaza, and has always been the winner in Palestine. But even though it is still mercilessly killing civilians in Gaza as I write these words, Israel has, in political and strategic terms, already lost the “war” it launched on Gaza on the false pretext of stopping rockets. As I’ve argued repeatedly, and as the facts show , the easy and time-tested way for Israel not to receive rockets from Gaza is not to attack Palestinians in Gaza. Israel’s defeat in Gaza will be as significant as its defeat in Lebanon in 2006 (where it also “won” in terms of murdering civilians: 1...