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  I Helped Create ISIS   :  Information Clearing House - ICH

  I Helped Create ISIS   :  Information Clearing House - ICH Examining recent events in Syria and Iraq, I can't help but think of the small kids my fellow marines would pelt with Skittles from those MRE packages. Candies weren't the only objects thrown at the children: water bottles filled with urine, rocks, debris, and various other items were thrown as well. I often wonder how many members of ISIS and various other terrorist organizations recall such events? 

U.S. Congresswoman Introduces Bill to Stop “illegal” War on Assad  :  Information Clearing House - ICH

U.S. Congresswoman Introduces Bill to Stop “illegal” War on Assad  :  Information Clearing House - ICH U.S. Congresswoman Introduces Bill to Stop “illegal” War on Assad By Tyler Durden November 22, 2015 " Information Clearing House " - " ZeroHedge " - Last month, US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard went on CNN and laid bare Washington’s Syria strategy. In a remarkably candid interview with Wolf Blitzer, Gabbard calls Washington’s effort to oust Assad “counterproductive” and “illegal” before taking it a step further and accusing the CIA of arming the very same terrorists who The White House insists are “sworn enemies.”  In short, Gabbard all but tells the American public that the government is lying to them and may end up inadvertently starting “World War III.” For those who missed it, here’s the clip: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="


"Everybody's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's a really easy way: stop participating in it". - Noam Chomsky "How can you have a war on terrorism when war itself is terrorism?" -  Howard Zinn "The violent subjugation of the Palestinians, Iraqis, and Afghans will only ensure that those who oppose us will increasingly speak to us in the language we speak to them-violence." -  Chris Hedges "There is no moral difference between a Stealth bomber and a suicide bomber. They both kill innocent people for political reasons." -  Tony Benn "What separates us from the lower animals, what separates us from the chaos, is our ability to mourn people we've never met." -  David Levithan , Love Is the Higher Law  

Tilahun Gessesse-አንድ አለኝ

Syria: Why is Assad Still in Power?  :    Information Clearing House - ICH

Syria: Why is Assad Still in Power?  :    Information Clearing House - ICH Syria: Why is Assad Still in Power? By Edward Dark April 01, 2015 " ICH " - " MEE " -  The Syrian conflict has entered its fifth year, and Bashar al-Assad is still in power defiant as ever. In fact, he appears to be increasingly confident after weathering the worst of the storm. The prospects for his removal or his regime’s collapse now appear increasingly remote after the US switched priority to defeating the Islamic State, relegating regime-change in Syria to the back burner indefinitely. So why has he survived for so long in the face of such seemingly overwhelming odds? Why has he been able to withstand the major global powers, hostile neighbours on every border and tens of ...

A Conversation With Bashar al-Assad :  Information Clearing House - ICH

A Conversation With Bashar al-Assad :  Information Clearing House - ICH So what do you think Israel’s agenda is? They are supporting the rebels in Syria. It’s very clear. Because whenever we make advances in some place, they make an attack in order to undermine the army. It’s very clear. That’s why some in Syria joke: “How can you say that al Qaeda doesn’t have an air force? They have the Israeli air force.”

Science, Mind, and Limits of Understanding  :  Information Clearing House - ICH

Science, Mind, and Limits of Understanding  :  Information Clearing House - ICH Honesty should lead us to concede, I think, that we understand little more today about these matters than the Spanish physician-philosopher Juan Huarte did 500 years ago when he distinguished the kind of intelligence humans shared with animals from the higher grade that humans alone possess and is illustrated in the creative use of language, and proceeding beyond that, from the still higher grade illustrated in true artistic and scientific creativity. Nor do we even know whether these are questions that lie within the scope of human understanding, or whether they fall among what Hume took to be Nature’s ultimate secrets, consigned to “that obscurity in which they ever did and ever will remain.”

Putin Wins a Second Match  :  Information Clearing House - ICH

Putin Wins a Second Match  :  Information Clearing House - ICH February 14, 2015 " ICH " - Has Russia’s Vladimir Putin pulled Barack Obama’s chestnuts out of the fire for a second time? Will the shaky cease-fire in Ukraine that began this weekend hold up and end a conflict that was threatening a nuclear war between the United States and Russia? The answer to the first question is yes. Remember back in 2013 when the Obama White House was threatening to attack Syria over allegations it was using poison gas? As it turned out, the UN found it was the US-backed Syrian rebels who were likely to have used chemical weapons rather than the Damascus regime. Noble Peace Prize Winner Obama and his lady strategists almost got the US into a war in Syria that could have led...

:  Information Clearing House - ICH

:  Information Clearing House - ICH ...................By contrast, there is substantial evidence that senior U.S. officials were pushing for a “regime change” in Kiev, including an intercepted phone call and various public statements. In December 2013, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, a neocon holdover, reminded Ukrainian business leaders that the United States had invested $5 billion in their “European aspirations.” In early February, she discussed with U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt who the new leaders of Ukraine should be. “Yats is the guy,” she declared, referring to Arseniy Yatsenyuk. [See’s “ Who’s Telling the Big Lie on Ukraine ?”] The Maidan uprising gained momentum on Feb. 20, 2014, when snipers around the square opened...


Is Peace or War at Hand?  :  Information Clearing House - ICH

Is Peace or War at Hand?  :  Information Clearing House - ICH Is Peace or War at Hand? By Paul Craig Roberts At this time we do not know the outcome of the meeting in Moscow between Merkel, Hollande, and Putin. The meeting with Putin was initiated by Merkel and Hollande, because they are disturbed by the aggressive position that Washington has taken toward Russia and are fearful that Washington is pushing Europe into a conflict that Europe does not want.  However, Merkel and Hollande cannot resolve the NATO/EU/Ukraine situation unless Merkel and Hollande are willing to break with Washington’s foreign policy and assert the right as sovereign states to conduct their own foreign policy. 

Moscow’s Problem: Dealing with Imbeciles and Vassals :  Information Clearing House - ICH

Moscow’s Problem: Dealing with Imbeciles and Vassals :  Information Clearing House - ICH February 10, 2015 " ICH " - " SCF "- - Russia is in a dilemma. How can it work through a peaceful settlement over the Ukraine conflict – and avoid a wider, more terrible war – when it is having to communicate with imbeciles and vassals? We are referring to the American and European leaders, respectively. The problem of trying to have a conversation with imbeciles is that they are simply incapable of understanding anything outside of their obtuse reality. They suffer from cognitive dissonance and are proud of it. In fact, the more cognitively dysfunctional, the more the imbecile is celebrated as being strong. Imbeciles cannot be enlightened; their ignorant and boorish way of looking at the wor...