The Iranian president made a speech among other’s about the occupation of Palestine by the Zionists. The condemnation didn’t wait one second from every western country. It is shocking to me the most bigoted of all the Germans were first to condemn the Iranians for saying, “that if Europeans insist the Holocaust happened, then they are responsible and should pay the price.” His mistake was so denying the holocaust itself where white people whipped other whites who happen to Jewish. "If you committed this big crime, then why should the oppressed Palestinian nation pay the price?" does that question so wrong? Would someone any one tell me how that could be wrong? Is it right for Jewish people to immigrate from all over the world by millions and expel Palestinians from where they lived for thousands of years? Is it acceptable to take away their land even as I write expanding the Jewish settlements? Why is it acceptable for Palestinians to live overseas as refugees with no rights and perhaps with no possibilities to go back to their home land to where they were forcefully expelled and run from massacre by the hands of Zionists? How could that be acceptable for the so called democratic countries that killed over eighty millions of people in two short wars whom they call First and Second World War? White people are showing their murderous hands as they showed time and again through invasion, massacre, torture, gassing of native people, expelling people from their home. Recently racist white government of France and its people exposed themselves how hateful they are by denying millions of Africans an opportunity as if you have to be only white French. And Australian whites beat up Arabs everywhere in the country in throngs with no condemnation of the crime committed against the Arab population there. When the Iranian president say,
This is our proposal: if you committed the crime, then give a part of your own land in Europe, the United States, Canada or Alaska to them so that the Jews can establish their country," how could that be so wrong? Is it only right if the Jewish immigrate to Palestine? Who said that so? “Ahmadinejad also said, “The West had harmed Muslims, invaded their countries and plundered their wealth.” Is it not obvious what happened in Muslim countries when westerners invaded kill and plundered wherever they went? Look what happen to Iraq, does that country had to be destroyed in order to save it?
he said also, “If your civilization consists of aggression, making oppressed people homeless, suffocating the voices of justice and bringing poverty to a majority of the world's people, we say loudly that we hate your hollow civilization,"
"No country is authorized to impose spare-part sanctions against another country. Nothing can justify this," Ahmadinejad said. And recently an American made airplane crashed at suburb of Tehran killing more than 115 people for the lack of spare part.
“Ahmadinejad said that if Iran gave in on the nuclear dispute, there was no guarantee the West might not refuse to sell nuclear fuel in the future.” In light of the spare part issue, would that be wrong for him to assume that he may not get what they are promised?
He needs to be careful of what he is saying by denying the Holocaust he may invite another holocaust in his country. His country enemies are aching to bomb kill plunder and destroy the rest and leave with the puppet government behind. They may have no chance to install a puppet government in Iraq but the rest happened.
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This is our proposal: if you committed the crime, then give a part of your own land in Europe, the United States, Canada or Alaska to them so that the Jews can establish their country," how could that be so wrong? Is it only right if the Jewish immigrate to Palestine? Who said that so? “Ahmadinejad also said, “The West had harmed Muslims, invaded their countries and plundered their wealth.” Is it not obvious what happened in Muslim countries when westerners invaded kill and plundered wherever they went? Look what happen to Iraq, does that country had to be destroyed in order to save it?
he said also, “If your civilization consists of aggression, making oppressed people homeless, suffocating the voices of justice and bringing poverty to a majority of the world's people, we say loudly that we hate your hollow civilization,"
"No country is authorized to impose spare-part sanctions against another country. Nothing can justify this," Ahmadinejad said. And recently an American made airplane crashed at suburb of Tehran killing more than 115 people for the lack of spare part.
“Ahmadinejad said that if Iran gave in on the nuclear dispute, there was no guarantee the West might not refuse to sell nuclear fuel in the future.” In light of the spare part issue, would that be wrong for him to assume that he may not get what they are promised?
He needs to be careful of what he is saying by denying the Holocaust he may invite another holocaust in his country. His country enemies are aching to bomb kill plunder and destroy the rest and leave with the puppet government behind. They may have no chance to install a puppet government in Iraq but the rest happened.
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