"Reconstruction has not always gone as well as we had hoped, primarily because of the security challenges on the ground. Rebuilding a nation devastated by a dictator is a large undertaking. It’s even harder when terrorists are trying to blow up that which the Iraqis are trying to build." W. Bush.
Let me begin with the groups blowing things up. Who are these guys? The answer is: no one knows. But whoever they are they are brought about by W. Bush and his gang’s. Never in the history of Iraq, or before the war of aggression took place in March 20, 2003, that country has experienced such terror. But despite the world opinion, America went with the plan to still and control the Middle East Oil starting in Iraq. The country is devastated, not safe, oil is produced less, and there is killings, torture, hunger, shortage of medicine and medical staff. And no WMD! Even if Saddam had one, there was no justification of invasion and occupation of an independent country. Forget that there was inspection was going on at that time; the inspection was a sham that the Bush hoped Saddam would not co-operate and may be used as pretext for war. Now Bush is lying again about the terror and dictatorship related to the raped Iraq.
“The Iraqi regime clearly knew that using such illegal weapons against targets of no interest to the West (such as Iranian troops or Kurdish civilians) would not result in serious consequences. They were right; the U.S. continued licensing the shipment of biological seed stock and other WMD material to Baghdad even after Iraq's use of illegal chemical weapons became news.
But during the Gulf War Iraq never used chemical or biological weapons. They knew that any use against American troops, Saudis or Israelis would be met with devastating consequences. Israel threatened to use its nuclear weapons if attacked by Iraqi WMDs, although it was still operating under U.S.-imposed constraints. The deterrence worked- the Iraqi regime never used WMDs against any U.S. or allied target. The exposure of many American troops to chemical weapons toxins, possibly part of the cause of Gulf War syndrome, resulted from the U.S. military's detonation of chemical dumps.”
Was Iraq bad under Saddam? No that was a lie too.
“Unlike other Gulf oil producers, Iraq invested virtually all of its oil wealth inside the country, building the most advanced medical and educational systems in the region. Even during the decade-long Iran-Iraq War, the overwhelmingly middle-class Iraqis lived in a modern, near First World level society with one of the smallest wealth-poverty gaps of any country in the region. Food access, education, health care and general quality of life approached that of developed countries. The most common problem faced by Iraqi pediatricians was childhood obesity.”
“The Gulf War and sanctions changed everything. Iraq's modern technology-driven society was reduced after six weeks of intensive bombing to a pre-industrial state. Sanctions prohibited Iraqi travel, forbid access to medical or scientific journals or participation in international conferences, and have created a generation of Iraqis inadequately educated for the twenty-first century and angry at being denied what their parents once took for granted.”
Let me begin with the groups blowing things up. Who are these guys? The answer is: no one knows. But whoever they are they are brought about by W. Bush and his gang’s. Never in the history of Iraq, or before the war of aggression took place in March 20, 2003, that country has experienced such terror. But despite the world opinion, America went with the plan to still and control the Middle East Oil starting in Iraq. The country is devastated, not safe, oil is produced less, and there is killings, torture, hunger, shortage of medicine and medical staff. And no WMD! Even if Saddam had one, there was no justification of invasion and occupation of an independent country. Forget that there was inspection was going on at that time; the inspection was a sham that the Bush hoped Saddam would not co-operate and may be used as pretext for war. Now Bush is lying again about the terror and dictatorship related to the raped Iraq.
“The Iraqi regime clearly knew that using such illegal weapons against targets of no interest to the West (such as Iranian troops or Kurdish civilians) would not result in serious consequences. They were right; the U.S. continued licensing the shipment of biological seed stock and other WMD material to Baghdad even after Iraq's use of illegal chemical weapons became news.
But during the Gulf War Iraq never used chemical or biological weapons. They knew that any use against American troops, Saudis or Israelis would be met with devastating consequences. Israel threatened to use its nuclear weapons if attacked by Iraqi WMDs, although it was still operating under U.S.-imposed constraints. The deterrence worked- the Iraqi regime never used WMDs against any U.S. or allied target. The exposure of many American troops to chemical weapons toxins, possibly part of the cause of Gulf War syndrome, resulted from the U.S. military's detonation of chemical dumps.”
Was Iraq bad under Saddam? No that was a lie too.
“Unlike other Gulf oil producers, Iraq invested virtually all of its oil wealth inside the country, building the most advanced medical and educational systems in the region. Even during the decade-long Iran-Iraq War, the overwhelmingly middle-class Iraqis lived in a modern, near First World level society with one of the smallest wealth-poverty gaps of any country in the region. Food access, education, health care and general quality of life approached that of developed countries. The most common problem faced by Iraqi pediatricians was childhood obesity.”
“The Gulf War and sanctions changed everything. Iraq's modern technology-driven society was reduced after six weeks of intensive bombing to a pre-industrial state. Sanctions prohibited Iraqi travel, forbid access to medical or scientific journals or participation in international conferences, and have created a generation of Iraqis inadequately educated for the twenty-first century and angry at being denied what their parents once took for granted.”