I have just finished watching “Paradise lost”, a good movie and unbiased. The life of Palestinians under occupation provides very little. As you could see from the movie dying for a cause itself requires many prerequisites and even then no one is sure the mission is correct or would serve the occupied and the oppressed people from the torment of Zionist racists. The mission of the bombers is positive and negative consequences for the Palestinians, one of which is makes the Racist Zionist stronger giving them the sympathy they don’t deserve. The Palestinians are the ones whose country occupied, can move throughout their land, whose farm destroyed, their houses taken or demolished, going through barbed wire and wait for ours to go through multiple check points, whose blood soaked the ancient land of Palestine, humiliated, jailed, stranded as refugees throughout the world, yet the Zionists are getting sympathy every time a bomber strikes.
The only victims are the Palestinians here, they can’t win through human bomb operation because the retaliation and the excuses the racists create to retaliate against the occupied people is enormous, after all the Zionists dominated all aspects of propaganda through the media no one would know why people take their life and others that way. The disturbing aspect of the whole thing is putting religion in the mix, why would any one suggests God will permits the killing of non combatants in a type of mission they carry out? As much as I hate the occupation and the injustice, I still believe there many ways to beat the Zionist racist than being a human bomb. May God mercy upon all people who are a victim of occupation and in-justices.