Statements by Iraqi insurgent groups in
March 2007*
Total number
of statements
Islamic Army in Iraq (IAI) 249
Ansar al-Sunnah 196
Islamic State of Iraq (ISI/Al-Qaeda)** 162
Mujahidin Army 143
Shield of Islam 89
Jaysh al-Fatihin 39
Jaysh al-Rashidin 33
Just Recompense Brigades 26
Islamic Front of Iraqi Resistance
Jihadist Brigades of Iraq 12
1920 Revolution Brigades 3
Total 966
* Source: World News Net and Mohajroon (aggregated).
Statements that may have been posted elsewhere were not
included in this table, which is intended to demonstrate the
general media profile of the insurgent groups on two specific
websites. Because press releases sometimes appear several
days after the operations they announce, attacks claimed in
these statements span a period that began before March 1
and ended before March 31.
** Proclaimed in October 2006, the Islamic State of Iraq is the
latest iteration of Al-Qaeda in Iraq (see Section 4.1.1, Islamic
State of Iraq). The group is referred to in this report as ISI/Al-
Qaeda. Other insurgent groups tend to refer to ISI/Al-Qaeda as
Al-Qaeda in Iraq. The terms are used interchangeably.
March 2007*
Total number
of statements
Islamic Army in Iraq (IAI) 249
Ansar al-Sunnah 196
Islamic State of Iraq (ISI/Al-Qaeda)** 162
Mujahidin Army 143
Shield of Islam 89
Jaysh al-Fatihin 39
Jaysh al-Rashidin 33
Just Recompense Brigades 26
Islamic Front of Iraqi Resistance
Jihadist Brigades of Iraq 12
1920 Revolution Brigades 3
Total 966
* Source: World News Net and Mohajroon (aggregated).
Statements that may have been posted elsewhere were not
included in this table, which is intended to demonstrate the
general media profile of the insurgent groups on two specific
websites. Because press releases sometimes appear several
days after the operations they announce, attacks claimed in
these statements span a period that began before March 1
and ended before March 31.
** Proclaimed in October 2006, the Islamic State of Iraq is the
latest iteration of Al-Qaeda in Iraq (see Section 4.1.1, Islamic
State of Iraq). The group is referred to in this report as ISI/Al-
Qaeda. Other insurgent groups tend to refer to ISI/Al-Qaeda as
Al-Qaeda in Iraq. The terms are used interchangeably.