Surveillance Society - by Charles Peña: "Beyond the question of whether security cameras would make us safer by preventing terrorist attacks (the evidence to date is that they won't) is the issue of government surveillance of its citizenry and the risks posed to civil liberties and privacy. According to the New York Civil Liberties Union, the Lower Manhattan Security Initiative 'is a major step toward blanket police monitoring of law-abiding New Yorkers.' Of course, the standard retort is: 'If you're not doing anything wrong, you don't have anything to worry about.' The problem is defining what 'wrong' is. One example cited by NYPD spokesperson Paul Browne is a car repeatedly circling the same block. If you've ever been to the Big Apple (or any other large, densely populated city with heavy car traffic), driving around the block looking for parking is pretty normal – hardly behavior that should be considered suspicious.
There is also the question of potential abuse of "
There is also the question of potential abuse of "