Fifty US veterans describe atrocities against Iraqis
The war criminals called it “Operation Iraqi Freedom,” it was a war begun with intent to achieve many goals. The most obvious of those goals were: to chock-hold the Middle East to squeeze more oil, doing it in a way more profitable for multi billion companies, doing it in a way there could be no interruption of oil flow due to “unfriendly” governments in the region, to stave off emerging rival nations like China from holding a foothold, to protect despots from being overthrow by unknown entities, preventing the region to govern itself and its resources as it saw fit, to eliminate competitive governments from acquiring advance weapons or producing them, to prevent emerging democracy from appearing, preventing independent and semi independent media outlets from discussing variety of issues openly “aljazeera”, to protect a racist and a rouge nation of Israel from criticism in its genocidal mission against Palestinians, to terrorize and made example of all Muslims and Arabs “Shock and Awe” is real, to divide the nation of Iraq ( such as Kurds, Sunni Arabs, Shiite Arabs, Turkmen, Christians, Assyrians, … ) to plant terrorist groups to make Iraqis fearful of the future, (succeeded) so that people would ask American rapists to stay in Iraq (not succeeded), to install permanent military bases (now more than ten huge ones), and finally to install a puppet government who could suppress his (her? No! America call their women bitches) people into submission.
The media, the think tanks, and American people went initially to support their government to achieve these goals; but now, they are seeing those dreams are disappearing fast. First the public, now “the free media” advocating more and more the withdrawing of their “troops” (I call them rapists) from Iraq.
At the end, what matters is, the fact that no matter how powerful you are (America), you can’t defeat determined people who are fighting to be free from the clutch of the true Evil Empire. I know American imperialism equally determine to suck the blood – oil out of Iraq, but soon will be realized it is a pipe dream.
The American Terror
Incinerating Iraqis; the napalm cover up