Nader Plays the Race Card | AlterNet: "One presidential candidate has brashly played the race card. It wasn't presumptive Republican presidential candidate John McCain or his rival Barack Obama. Both have tipped lightly around race in the campaign. But Ralph Nader didn't have any qualms about bring race into the campaign. The perennial political gadfly accused Obama of saying and doing nothing to threaten the white power structure. If Nader had stopped there he might have opened up a reasoned debate on whether Obama panders to corporate interests in his stance on high gas prices, home foreclosures, the lack of affordable heath care, the Iraq war wind-down, corporate and environmental regulations, and labor protections. This might have prompted some to ask, does Obama rise to the standard of a politician who has actually sold his political soul to corporations and the Beltway establishment?
But Nader didn't stop at criticizing Obama for being a Beltway insider. He asked, rhetorically, 'Is it because he wants to talk white?' as an explanation of why Obama supposedly doesn't take hard stances on these issues. He then tossed in a reference to Jesse Jackson as an example of someone who Obama allegedly doesn't want to sound like because he obviously sounds black. He didn't tell exactly how he thinks an African American is supposed to talk too avoid sounding white."
But Nader didn't stop at criticizing Obama for being a Beltway insider. He asked, rhetorically, 'Is it because he wants to talk white?' as an explanation of why Obama supposedly doesn't take hard stances on these issues. He then tossed in a reference to Jesse Jackson as an example of someone who Obama allegedly doesn't want to sound like because he obviously sounds black. He didn't tell exactly how he thinks an African American is supposed to talk too avoid sounding white."