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Stop America and Israel

So Iran tested a long-range missile, its range is 1,250 miles and carries a ton of conventional warhead---that is that. Iran lives under threat from America and Israel, countries have 10s of thousands ICB missiles carries conventional and nuclear warhead armed with chemical and biological weapons. America is the only rogue nation who used a nuclear bomb on its “enemy” killing 100s of thousands of people in Japan! Yet America is bulling Iran in every opportunity threatening to obliterate the peaceful country. Iran never threaten or invaded a country at any time, the country was always a victim of aggression by Taliban of Afghanistan when in power and under Saddam by Iraq for eight bloody years.
The statement made by a Whiteman’s slave woman Condoleezza (condominium) Rice: "Those who say that there is no Iranian missile threat against which we should build a missile defense system perhaps ought to talk to the Iranians about their claims," is one example of American slander against Iranians intention to live in peace and building a technology to defend themselves from the Zionist entity which invaded and occupied Arab lands for decades and imperialist America a country broke International Law unmatched by no other country in the world since the “Second World War”.
The two rogue nations- Israel and America not learned their lesson yet. American defeat by ragtag defenders of Iraq and the indisputable defeat of a Zionist fascist racist army by Hizboo-Allah in 2006 invasion of Lebanon may have been a sign that no one nation or group submits to bullying, invasion, mass killings, kidnappings, torture, rape, occupation, destruction, plunder, operation and abuse no more
Iran needs to be congratulated by peace loving people of the world for trying to defend themselves even though its evil enemy has more weapon and reach to destroy the planet we live in many times over!


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