America's Continuing Fight Against Democracy : Information Clearing House - ICH: "As an American citizen, born and raised in Gary, Indiana, I want America to be the beacon for democracy that Ialways felt we were and that or government said we were. Unfortunately, as I look at the world from events in my lifetime, it appears that after we defeated Hitler and Japan, we forgot about our true mission of democracy and its attendant morality.
The United States unfortunately, has a long record of fighting against democracy in the world. We showed some of this in Iran when we helped to overthrow a strong nationalist that was democratically elected, Mohammed Mossadegh. We put the corrupt puppet, the Shah back into power (this after the people had ousted him in a bloodless revolution). We did the same when we overthrew Allende in Chile.We replaced him with the mass killer, Pinochet. We did the same against the democratically elected government of Granada. We had all the leaders killed and replaced them; with 'friendly' leaders. Everyone knows that Ho Chi Minh was the popular leader of Viet Nam, and was responsible for freeing Viet Nam from the French. The French even warned America that he was a popular socialist leader and not a Russian or Chinese satellite 'communist,'—but because he was a nationalist, America went to war to defend a dictator"
The United States unfortunately, has a long record of fighting against democracy in the world. We showed some of this in Iran when we helped to overthrow a strong nationalist that was democratically elected, Mohammed Mossadegh. We put the corrupt puppet, the Shah back into power (this after the people had ousted him in a bloodless revolution). We did the same when we overthrew Allende in Chile.We replaced him with the mass killer, Pinochet. We did the same against the democratically elected government of Granada. We had all the leaders killed and replaced them; with 'friendly' leaders. Everyone knows that Ho Chi Minh was the popular leader of Viet Nam, and was responsible for freeing Viet Nam from the French. The French even warned America that he was a popular socialist leader and not a Russian or Chinese satellite 'communist,'—but because he was a nationalist, America went to war to defend a dictator"