Tom Engelhardt: A Rogue Superpower
A Rogue Superpower
By Tom Engelhardt
November 01, 2013 "Information Clearing House - The foreign leaders are dropping like flies -- to American surveillance. I'm talking about serial revelations that the National Security
Agency has been spying on Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff, two Mexican presidents, Felipe Calderón (whose office the NSA called "a lucrative source") and his successor Enrique Peña Nieto, at least while still a candidate, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. It's now evidently part of the weekly news cycle to discover that the NSA has hacked into the emails or listened into the phone
conversations of yet another allied leader. Reportedly, that agency has been listening in on the phone calls of at least 35 world leaders.
By Tom Engelhardt
November 01, 2013 "Information Clearing House - The foreign leaders are dropping like flies -- to American surveillance. I'm talking about serial revelations that the National Security