First Gulf War in 1991 was America's opening Iraq mistake |
Now's not the time to re-litigate the Iraq War, we're told -- mostly by people whose bright idea it was in the first place.
If we “spend our time debating what happened 11 or 12 years ago,” says former vice-president Dick Cheney, we're “missing the boat.”
Contra Cheney, it’s important to examine our past mistakes, lest we
get snookered into repeating them. Going back 11 or 12 years isn’t
enough — it’s past time to reevaluate the Gulf War of 1991, the “famous
victory” that helped get us into this mess.
“History will say we got this one right,” former president George
H.W. Bush declared in 2011. True enough, as the conventional wisdom
evaluates our two Gulf Wars very differently: a “war of necessity” vs. a
foolish “war of choice,” a “good war,” and its pointless and bloody
sequel 12 years later.
Now's not the time to re-litigate the Iraq War, we're told -- mostly by people whose bright idea it was in the first place.
If we “spend our time debating what happened 11 or 12 years ago,” says former vice-president Dick Cheney, we're “missing the boat.”
Contra Cheney, it’s important to examine our past mistakes, lest we
get snookered into repeating them. Going back 11 or 12 years isn’t
enough — it’s past time to reevaluate the Gulf War of 1991, the “famous
victory” that helped get us into this mess.
“History will say we got this one right,” former president George
H.W. Bush declared in 2011. True enough, as the conventional wisdom
evaluates our two Gulf Wars very differently: a “war of necessity” vs. a
foolish “war of choice,” a “good war,” and its pointless and bloody
sequel 12 years later.