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Helping the hands of terrorists

Terror act by one group or government strengthens other antagonist terrorist group or government to strike and the cycle will go on until it breaks. There is no time or event started this terror tit for tat that consumed hundreds of thousands of people around the world, however, the terrorists targets are expanding in ever increasing level mostly in a majority where Muslim population lives.
For a majority of people in the United States who are brained washed by the government terror warnings, repetitions of them by the media bundled with phony analysts of what that warning means; made people to believe that there are groups of “Islamic Terrorists” out there ready to strike any time and all warnings needs to be taken seriously. In a country where nineteen people destroyed buildings after hijacking commercial planes and took three thousand lives on their way, news of terror attack alert is believable. Americans are as much victims of Afghans or Iraqis who are invaded and attacked by America without provocation. Even if Afghanistan under Taliban hosted Osama, the invasion of that country was not acceptable nor did it help America to dismantle the Alqaida network completely.
That is exactly what I meant by a terror act by one group… helps other terrorists. Here Osama’s terror group helped the American terrorist government to murder hundred times as Osama’s group had killed. Just like Osama’s justifies the killing of civilian’s so is W. Bush and his criminal gangs. Osama’s justifications to kill American civilians is partly because Americans voted the criminal as their president and pay taxes; on the other hand W. Bush invade and kill people because Muslims needed to pay a price for what Osama did in September 11, 2001. The fact is both the group and the government has had these dark visions and sought it and found it in each others heart, once the ball started to roll nothing could stop it.
Terrorism is a method not the end result as I always said, it achieves its purposes in destroying people’s life and infrastructures; but in political level it leaves no choice to people but condemn it. Thus when Osama’s Alqaida strike the buildings and the effect it has on peoples mind was tremendous. People in America then took another extreme step in giving W. Bush a power to strike back at Alqaida without accountability and knowledge. Then their president did use that support to campaign a terror strike on innocent people who has done nothing to hurt the victims of September the 11th 2006. Just like the people who shielded Osama wherever he is; Americans shielded W. Bush the same way praising his murderous rampage in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Terrorism constitute many methods in pressuring people and government to change courses, the Zionist government of Israel recently murdered close to two thousand people in unprecedented campaign where American weapons used indiscriminately against innocent civilians. Bodies of babies pulled out of rubbles destroyed by the racist and pariah state of Israel covered well around the world except here in the U.S. but at the end, the Israeli terror against the Lebanese people did achieve little but taking lives and property damages.
Terrorism is rampant now, it is led by the U.S. and Israel primarily against innocent civilians, and small group like Alqaida also killed people and destroyed properties albeit in smaller level. They feed of each other well swinging back and forth helping each others hand through propaganda only fools should believe: there are plenty of fools in a world we live in.


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